Saturday, October 27, 2007
hellluuuu... guess what guys?? it's moii bdae today!!! OH MAN!!! how to say?? gorrt happiness as well as disappointment larhx.. yeah had manii celebrations going on.. and ii had been eating like non-stop... going to be big fat pig le.. its time to go on diet..
thursday met up wiif lydia and eat pastamania wiif her for dinner.. eat till stomach burst man.. saw jing jie and eunice thr too.. one ex-classmate, one new classmate.. LOL!! CWP always like this.. den after went shopping around.. and I SPEND $70 just like that!! bought two new shorts a a pair of outing shoes.. moii goodness!!! wan faint le can.. den can u believe it? after shopping we went to library to study.. it's like how manii donkey years since ii last step into civic?? ever since O's bahx.. BUT BUT BUT!! we managed to sit for 15 mins den we came out and went back for shopping again.. but nothing catch our attention, hence we headed for home..
den rch home nt long moii sisters: mabel, huiyu and rouhui celebrated for me at 515 ytd near around midnight and we really had a good chat yesterday.. laugh till mad man.. time realli flies... miss them lots.. hard to have a gathering man.. puiman sick again ii guess.. read her blog.. duno how manii million years since i've seen her the last time.. want to thnx moii sisters for the cake and gift they gave me.. mus meet up more okies.
dragged myself to school today cosh ii wan moii grades.. but ii guess it didn't turn out well bahx.. haas. as in presentation.. but as long as he dun give me C can le... haas.. and moii classmates really surprised me.. W35K cliques as well as W25M classmates.. realli wanna thnx them.. W35K cliques: peishan, siti, joyin and eunice.. they came to find me during break out 1 and gave me my present.. thnx sweeties.. realli touched..
den W25M classmates realli shocked me la.. supposed to had s sumptous dinner after school... and they bought me so manii food..
shall list down here:
--> spagetthi meal
--> oreo blended
--> spicy wedges
--> mud pie
they bought all this from cafe gallile.. must have spend alot bahx.. thnx guys.. realli very touched and happy.. NAMES TO HIGHLIGHT: WEE KIAT, WILLIS, JOBELLE, XIN XUAN, DYLAN, BERNARD and JUN HAO!! their pocket mus have a big hole le bahx.. sorrie guys.. ii ate onlii the mud pie otherwise dinner is gone case le.. but realli wanna thnx u all.. U GUYS MADE MY DAY!!
after that had more celebrations wiif moii frens.. and more gifts frm them.. den dinner.. den went home celebrate wiif daddy, mummy and moii two sisters.. can u people imagine?? moii da jiie wake up 3am in the midnight jus to came online and say happy bdae to me..?? so touched.. almost cried when she do so.. and ii jus webcam wiif her bringing the cake and sing together.. though disheartening that ii can't see her but its so heartwarming to receive her message.. miss her and love her!!
had been a tired day man.. tmr going KTV wiif lydia!! wohoo~~!!! k-iin session!! FINALLY!! long time since ii last hold the mike.. hahhahas... and im going to have shopping tmr too.. BAGS AND SHOES, I'M COMING!! wait for me yeah.. den its going to be daddy and mummy's turn to treat me my sumptous dinner lo.. the place is call golden mars.. famous for each dish $4.80.. i'm gonne eat till ii shiok!! =D
weee~~~!!! i'm loving it.. this year's bdae is really fun man!! but den arhx.. after tt need to go on serious diet le.. hahahahs.. ii would like to thnx all those hu wished me.. u guys noe hu u are.. bcosh the list is way too long for me to list out le.. and ii thnx all those hu gave me pressies and my sisters and cliques as well as moii new classmates frm W25M!! you guys really made my day!!
pictures to enjoy now:

spagetthi course meal niia.. SO BIG SERVING!!!




this gift is shared by siti, eunice, joyin and peishan.. wanna thnx them.. so sweet of them!! =D

yeah.. and the present the sisters gave me. forget to take the cake pic.. haiix.

yippe.. this card is done by moi younger sister!! ISNT'T IT SWEET?? so nice of her!! *MUACKS*!!!
dad game me $50.. mum gave me $100 and younger sis gave me $20.. feel so happy that many still remember my bdae.. I would like to thnx all those hu celebrated wiif me and may god bless u all and remain happy always!! TO BE CONTINUED...
Jeannie was here @
9:01 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
wee~~!!! OKAY FINALLY UPDATING MY BLOG!! ii guess if ii dun do so, all moii frens would be nagging at miiex.. hahhahahahas... but main reason is LAZY!! and secondly norrt much thing to blog oso larhx.. hahahhas..
well, basically everything's fine for school.. settle down and get to know moii new classmates better.. had fun during jobelle's bdae.. celebrated for her by having pizza for lunch in class.. nice gathering.. a pity no one brought camera.. otherwise we can have our first class photo!! hehe..!! aniwae hope belle belle enjoyed herself.. hee..!! 10 days older den miiex de da jiie.. hope u smile everyday kks.. ur smile is so bright and nice.. dun let it go off.. hee..!!
hmmmx.. had moii ut test for sem 2.. and guess wat.. it was totally SUX!! ii hate it la.. maths first and last two questions all nv do.. idiot system all qns calculations and 30mins for tt.. 6 qns in all (NOT TO FORGET a,b,c,d and e).. tat is like 1 qns = 6 qns la.. DUH!! and moii scii ut oso gone case.. ii hope the whole cohort done it badly.. otherwise, ii guess moii page would be "SUPER BEAUTIFUL" once the result is released.. LOLs..!!
frii went to watch movie (the last breath) wiif lydia, wenyi and xueling.. long time since ii saw them.. time flies man.. the movie is norrt nice man.. so boring.. and this xueling.. supposed to be a horror movie, but she made me laugh all the way during the show.. seems like comedy la.. wth. haas.. and poor wenyi.. shan't say here la.. lata he malu.. haas.. saw the advertisment before the movie started.. 2 horror movies coming up, seems quite scary.. so much better den this one.. the whole movie seems so blur.. couldn't catch the storyline till the very end of the movie.. LOLs.. 4 letter word to describe = L A M E!!!
came back from work and surprisingly ii feel energetic though its so tiring... had alot more to learn.. 2 years ii targetted myself to work in retail shop for experience.. wonder ii can persevere anot.. hope so bahx.. haas.. ii am one wiif strong determination..once ii set moii mind, ii would not change moii idea.. haas.. alright gtg lo.. tmr still gorrt work.. PROMISED WILL UPDATE SOON!!
Jeannie was here @
9:13 AM