Friday, August 29, 2008
people, it's the last 5th day of holiday!! goodness me.. why does holiday end so fast?? while school term past so slow?? ii wonder.. o0O . . . . -.-!!!theses few days really busy with work.. colleague was hospitalised so instead of having my off day, ii was called back to work.. and was super tiring these 3 days: 26, 27 and 28!! plenty of stocks coming in one short.. somemore it comes in a large bulk.. nxt month schedule has slight change of department again.. some of my colleagues was affected.. haas.. *apologies to W25M people.. last minute decision for work.. *today, 29th.. took half day leave, rush down to suntec city to meet daddy!! and we went shopping for my camera!! wohoo~~!!! after 2 hours of shopping, ii finally bought my BABY home..people it's CASIO EX-Z150.. it costs me $399... I'M BROKE!!
isn't that cool?? initially wanted the lime green one.. but they said dun have!! =(the guy say it's not out in the market yet, only at this it fair.. that means i'm one of the lucky customers who get to purchase it with such a low price and with free gifts including: 2 memory cards, 4GB and 8GB perspectively, one starter kit, one casing, cleaning tool set, casing strap, screen protector and even an extra battery my dad bargain for me.. hee..!! also, by using UOB card to pay, one would entitle a free card holder (timberland) worth $69.90..went to walk around the whole convention hall.. dad bought himself a 1 GB memory card for his hp with a purchase of $14.90.. and overall we are happy with what we bought.. hahas.. intially wanted to buy the hardisk too.. seagate selling 1000GB for only $219.. such a great offer.. but sis say ii wun need so much, so ii forgo it..btw saw sq and she's working for compac.. SQ!! how can u do this??!! u betray acer.. hahas.. pity nv see hongyi.. hope he's doing fine.. ok ii guess i'm the odd one out from the class.. taking 5 days next semester!! and i'm happy i need not change class everyday.. kekex.. a brand new class, brand new face, and i'm excited to know my new classmates!!!TMR IS DERRICK HOH WEIJIAN autograph session!! finally the day arrive.. super excited.. gonna meet the fc people and another gathering coming up again!! cya people.. brb very soon to update bout wj's event.. =)
Jeannie was here @
11:02 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
sianzz.. the class put aeroplane!! if ii noe, ii rather work.. shall not take off next time le.. make me rot at home now.. what made my mood worse was iris comments.. I HAVE TO REDO MY PP!! idiot!! ii send in my pp at 8th of AUGUST!! and she returned her comments at 25th AUGUST which was today!! if not because of my email, ii guess she won't even reply...and 9th of sept is the dateline of submission already.. tell me how shall ii do it in few days time? spoil my whole day of mood!! argghh!! now ii have to crack my brain again!! and for all her comments, ii must arrange another meeting session with my CEO.. u think CEO so free? can keep asking and asking.. he's not my daddy man!! and who am I? I'm just a small worker in one of the 10 outlets u noe.. moreover, to add on, i'm just a part-time worker.. very little contribution to the shop.. once his face turn black, that's have to redo my pp.. still waiting for my ceo to reply me.. i'm like a handicapped person now.. ii wasted two days because of broken promises and aeroplanes.. 21 and 25.. $100 just flew off like ii wish i'm really a genie.. for that ii can turn back the clock . . . . .
Jeannie was here @
3:16 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
finally had a chance to meet up with djeirainc fc people.. it's been like million years since i've see them.. but as expected, majority of the existing fc people MIA.. and they are worse than me ok!! hahahas.. at least ii do keep in contact wiif some of the fc met up with quite a lot of new fc members.. and ii can say quite a number of things changed.. hmmm.. a little embarassed too cosh ii wasn't quite close to them and not much talkings were done.. the only people there ii knew out of the 20 plus who came were jiahong, wendy, meiling, yawen and huiying and yiwen (who came super late)!!!ok so we discussed, laugh, joke, scream, shout, etc during the gathering.. and everyone really enjoyed bahx.. especially towards the ending when we saw a stoopid gorilla whom POP out of nowhere and scares everyone out of their wits.. and quite a fruitful day, we even saw a thief.. (a pity we didn't took pics) LOL.. kekex.. the fc requested quite a number of things from warner music and hope it would be approved yeah.. weijian's birthday reaching le.. so fast another year passing.. ** and ii hope wj will rmb us for life after seeing the video we filmed!! =)
also hoping that weijian's albulm will be the best seller and be ranked top 1!! hee..!! really felt happy for weijian that his albulm was finally release after awaiting for such a long time.. and his fans like us were so enthu too.. at last, we can hear his voice, his song.. and it was only today, ii really put effort in hearing wj's song (working past two weeks), then ii realise how meaningful his lyrics were.. especially the song on 咬字 and 你走天桥我走地下道。。ii nearly cried..just wanna let you know, weijian you will never be forgotten.. ii hope ur career will rise and make singapore proud.. u will always be supported by me.. =)
** everyone please support DERRICK HOH WEI JIAN - 无法归类 !!!this coming sat 30.08.08 at bukit panjang plaza for his autograph session!! =)
Jeannie was here @
10:39 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
life has been down to work recently.. and ii guess working is the only way to occupy my time.. most of my friends are working too bahx.. we all have our own life.. sometimes really feel like asking myself
who are the one's that will be there for you 24 hours..friends are everywhere.. they mention that they will always be there for you when u need them.. but when things really happen,
will they be there? will they be contactable?
still, life has to go on.. to me, work is my third home apart from school.. and ii feel great working with my colleagues.. they are the one that gives me the strength to carry on schooling and working at the same time.. but then the change in department recently really demoralize my working spirit.. all my close colleagues are all transferred to the front department (toys, cashier, etc).. haiix..
and expected, he mention he might not be able to meet me today again. so what can ii say? he ask me am ii angry or disappointed? ii guess i'm used to it already bahx.. since you dunno how to treasure the chance ii gave you, why should ii waste my time then??this sat and nxt two sat gonna meet djeirainc fc ppl le.. finally a chance to see wj!! but im working nxt sat?? what am ii gonna do? split myself??
Jeannie was here @
2:08 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
new blogskin people!! sick and tired of the old skin.. initially wanted to change the entire blog with a new design... but ii can't seems to find a nice background and plus it's midnight now.. anyway went out early in the morning with lydia!! AS USUAL! KTV!! sing sing and sing!! simply just love singing..mummy said next time when my sis work, she'll ask her to design a room for karaoke session simply just for me since i love singing.. hahahahas.. if that's going to come true, i'll go high hIGH and HIGH man!! hahahas.. lunched at pastamania and ii swear cwp standard is really not up to standard.. preferred tpy outlet but that was years back.. haas..slack around at cwp awhile and finally bought wj's albulm.. after that went home to watch vcd and slacked all the way till now.. and and and ii created a facebook account.. for the sake of those emails prompting me.. and ii jus realize i'm such a noob la.. lydia said i'm a mountain tortoise.. ok have to admit la.. hahahas..and all because of pm lee, ii cannot watch my tv series.. Zzzzz... so ii spend the entire night changing my blogskin.. it took me an hour ok.. but i'm satisfied with the new blogskin.. hahahas.. tmr working again.. Zzzzz..awaiting for 21st.. this is the last chance i'm gonna give u.. missed it and that's it!!
Jeannie was here @
12:21 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
sorry for the late updates!! ii swear tuesday lesson was fun.. dawood was super good!! the class really relaxed that day.. but all ii can say was the happy, unhappy, up and down moments are over..E54P taught me how to view people.. till today, ii noe who are the ones ii can trust, who are the one whom are faking.. and ii guess it's even clearer to the end of lesson.. the true colours of everyone.. i'll make it even harsher and make sure i'll return u double to what u did to me..well life is full of up and down.. take it or leave it, this is how reality goes.. anyway had pizza on that day and everyone shared their experience for that module and of course never to miss out pictures going on..BUT THEN... i'm so going to disappoint u all because ii won't be posting any pictures up.. ii see no point to post it anyway.. but ii will never forget E54P, the cliques that ii once had, the mahjong and steamboat session we had at germaine's house, bowling gathering and more to come..ii hope our friendship will last and good luck for everyone the next semester..
Jeannie was here @
11:52 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
yeah!! ii received pictures from brother (willis) and xing huan (jobelle) yesterday.. unbelievable we took 100 over kb of pictures.. but majority of the pics is brother la.. not wee!! hahahahas..anyway really had lots of fun ytd..
look at the number of pics willis took??!! hahahas..some are really funny man!!
there.. the birthday boy!!!
the food we bought for wee.. that's not all!!
1. roasted leg with rice
2. wedges with extra cheese
3. brownies with ice cream
4. cookies and cream milk shake
xing huan and miie.. loves!!

brother willis and miiex!!
and that is NG WEE KIAT and me!!! hahahas..
and TADA!!! the group pics!!
NG WEE KIAT!! u better remember us for life huh!! hahahahas...
dragged myself unwittingly to school today.. because it is DAWOOD's lesson.. he's a gd faci.. haas.. slept almost at 3 ytd and woke up at 8 today!! was damn tiring!! but den lessons going end at 11??!!! even earlier den ytd man!!so what am ii going to do latttteeerrrrrrr????
Jeannie was here @
10:26 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
it was last second day of school.. and ii intended not to go school at first de.. but ii reluctantly join katrina for school because the facii was really nice... but way did ii expect the facii to end class at 11.30!! it was super early la.. and ii reached school at like 10.30!! DUH!! @.@so kat and ii joined the class and presentation starts and all we had to do was to ask question.. haas.. and den we took class photo and class was dismissed!!! hahahas.. den rush to meet willis, jobelle and wei xiang to buy wee's meal.. today was his birthday!! so HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY NG WEE KIAT!! you stoopid dumbo!! bluff me about ur bdae date huh!! but anyway hope you enjoyed urself today with us.. and now u noe how much the food was when u guys bought for me the other time huh.. anyway had a great time taking pics with you all!! the two brothers, xing huan and weixiang!!after the celebration, went home to slack, watch olympic, met kat at 3.20 and brought her up to germaine house to gather.. and shirg left without waiting for us!! =( then had dinner with dawn, christy, germaine, katrina, hongyi and kai wei.. and ii swear kai wei seems like 3 days never eat!! LOL!! after dinner, played mahjong with dawn, hongyi and germaine.. (christy and kaiwei left, kat too later)...and so the game continued all the way till 8 exact.. tot was about to lose.. but i managed to win back at the last two games.. hahas.. cool man.. enjoyed the mj session.. thnx guys..I GOT SO MUCH PICTURES TO UPLOAD!! BUT IT'S ALL NOT WITH ME!!!so stay tuned huh!!! ehhhh tmr last day of school.. shall ii go schoooooollll???!!!
Jeannie was here @
11:12 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
friday!! I SKIPPED SCHOOL!!!! seriously la.. really got no motivation for this module!! and ii don't like the faci can!! disgusted by her actions!!thought of sleeping until 1 but my DAD ruin my good sleep!!! arrgghhh!! and he woke me up at 8!! partly because he doesn't know i'm skipping school so he got me up for school.. ended up watching vcds at home all the way till 1.30 den leave hse..met lydia at cwp for lunch.. pastamania!! my love!! and the staff girl gave me free creamy chicken soup.. hahahs.. blur her but i gained the benefit!! but it resulted me to have a bloated stomach after the meal.. after lunch, headed for partyworld!! YES YES AND YES!!! FINALLY WITH THE GIRLS!!!and guess what?? WE WERE GIVEN THE VIP ROOM!!!bcosh it was national day eve, so it's super crowded.. but thank god we got a room!!VIP somemore!! hahahahas... we sang from 3 to 7.. and the price was under the promotion!! $15.65 per person... xue ling joined us 1 hr later and we really go HIGH HIGH HIGH!! chatted, laughed, shout, scream.. did all we can do!!AND OF COURSE TAKING PICTURES TOO!! it's our favourites!!
look how big the room is..

that's me..

look at the two girls?? aren't they sweet??

finally me and xue ling..
slack around in the library and window shopping after singing at cwp before heading towards home.. =)
Jeannie was here @
11:45 PM
Friday, August 08, 2008
people!! ii have tons of things to update..!!!wed 6th august went out wiif my sis and cousin to ktv.. long time since i've enjoyed such outings.. after ktv went to watch the mummy wiif sis!! eh the movie wasn't realli nice la.. it's like DUH!! totally different from the previous mummy shows.. and why is jet li acting?? ii feel weird.. LOL..and how could we have missed taking pictures??there were plenty we took!! but ii jus zoom in to two yeah?
sis and cousin singing.. can u guess who is who? haas..
ok the 3 girls.. sweet~!!thurs went school and guess wat??!! stoopid class onlii has 9 people!! horrible yeah?? guess augustine and the other faci's had expected this outcome?? so they decided to merge class?? and it's 3 classes merging together with a total of only 25 students.. how pathetic can it be??!! really should have skipped lesson!!and my whole day plan was foiled by augustine, he mentioned our day will be ended at 12.30 so ii thought of going out with my colleague to town.. in the end it was delayed too much that we were only release at 1.30!! DUH! thnx jasmine who made the effort to come cwp.. and ii went to watch movie again! this time the love guru!! errmmm.. wasn't really nice too la... ii nearly fall asleep but there are certain parts which are quite funny la.. watch it when it's $6, otherwise not really worth..after movie went to seng kang to find my colleagues and had dinner with them.. then chatted with them awhile and did voluntary job again!! but it's ok.. ii enjoyed helping them.. guess ii have developed the passion in working there and the relationships with my colleagues strengthen me to work longer. and on my way back, im glad to have his companion (sms).. and it was raining really heavily.. my precious bag saved me all the way.. still home is the best!!
Jeannie was here @
10:40 PM
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
sorrie ppl, wasn't in my best mood these few days.. ii skipped sch halfway on mon.. caught a movie, X-file with siti.. guess ii wasn't aware of what the movie was about too.. spent first half of the movie crying and taking short nap inside.. but the movie was disgusting ii swear..
tuesday came school and i'm glad we cleared some of the misunderstandings.. but some yet remain unsolved.. but still ii hope things will turn back to normal.. just wish to say ii treasure our friendship.. that's it.. given a chance, ii rather skipped sch on tat day.. wishing that none of this has happened..
anyway i'm going out wiif sis today!! SING SING SING!! ii make sure ii sing till ii drop.. cousin janice will be joining us for singing too.. after movie going watch the mummy wiif my sis.. hee..! long time since i went out wiif my sis!! MY REAL SIS!!!
and friday im going singing wiif lydia and xue ling again.. SINGING ROX MAN!! btw a special special thanks to willis who accompanied me the whole afternoon ytd.. thnx brother for having known that im sad and doing funny faces for me to laugh.. webcaming in school is fun yeah.. hahs..
W25M outing soon!! wait for my good news guys... =)
Jeannie was here @
10:23 AM
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
sometimes ii really wonder...what are friends for...for so much we did together..the moments we spend together..this are all things that can never be replaced.yet you gave up all these memories..suddenly ii feel we are no longer like what we were in the past..even if we've seems like it's nothing to you...for the sake of staying up the whole night crying....ii guess i'm the onlii dumb one that will do this....but a special thanks to siti who accompanied me the whole ytd..and willis for chatting and consoling me on msn..these are what friends are for..they will never leave you when you are down..give you a listening ear when you need it..lend you a shoulder when you're tired..console you when you are sad..hug you when you want to cry..crack jokes for you to laugh...will we still remain as what we are??or can we go back to normal??ii leave it as a question mark for you to fill in.....
Jeannie was here @
9:51 AM
Monday, August 04, 2008
friday night met lydia and xue ling up again..this time round for another show: MONEY NO ENOUGH 2!!
it's been 10 years back since money no enough 1 was filmed.. when this movie was released in May 1998, it almost hit 6 million and remains Singapore's all-time highest-grossing film.. indeed jack neo made it agan!! money no enough 2 not only made audience laugh, but at the same time it was really a touching scene that made many jack neo, ii guess he's done his part as the director and he really brought his disciples fame and glory.. through this movie, it also taught us about cherishing our love ones before anything happens.. no matter what, we should not be fighting over money.. as long as siblings work things out together, nothing is impossible..
overall, a 2.5 hour show, definitely worth watching.. thumbs up for it..
Jeannie was here @
10:47 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
eager to know what's happening during the shl fyp? let me fill you guys in... wednesday 29th July was the big day, not only for the shl fyp students.. to US (the group organizing wiif shige) was also the day we were expecting for, and ii can say we really put in alot of effort for this event..met sq and buanana to sch, ate and waited for the rest to turn up, then we walk tgt as a team to E6 (so cool yeah)... and we started to get busy preparing for the opening ceremony. can't believe Dr Alex Ong (Asst director of SHL) acknowledge us for our hardwork in front of everyone.. and yep, ii guess augustine gave us this chance to prove our ability and allow us to have an experience of organizing an event, though not major compared to the outside workforce, but still a stepping stone for the start.. so yeah, 3 cheers for augustine and shige who sacrifices his wednesday for this event too..well, finally had the chance to see michael koh with his formal suit giving his speech yeah.. and im really glad that we have such a good director who tried all means to help to carve our career path after graduation.. though stern and strict, he is definitely a good director.. saw how the fyp students presented in the room.. going through this wif them, ii learn what are the expectations from the assessors and ii realize fyp isn't that easy.. so ii shall WORK HARD, WORK REALLY HARD!!ii guess this batch of fyp really disappointed michael koh.. not only him but quite a number of shl faci, including myself.. but there were rather some good ones though..BUT ANYWAY, with such an unique event, how can ii not miss taking pictures?? hee..!!
bskj rox.. 4 gurls, 4 rul3z...
yeah.. collage of me and sq and kat wiif background of our shoes.. cool huh..

another collage of buanana,nanthini and miiex.. hee..!!
and finally.. the team..
everything was done around 6 and guess what??!! SHIGE PROMISED TO TREAT US FOR THE HARDWORK WE PUT IN!! yeah!! thumbs up for him!! stay tuned for more updates yeah =)
Jeannie was here @
12:48 AM